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HART, NO! - #1 (D&D Comic, PDF)

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HART, NO! - #1 (D&D Comic, PDF)

"Three elves, Harthalius, Aeron and Arolis wake up in a crypt, without memories, - but it is only the first problem to solve throughout their adventures!"

Long story short, an illustrated version of one of our adventures in Dungeons and Dragons! It is based on the official campaign "Princes of the Apocalypse" (5e), although especially in the beginning our DM went way off-script! During illustrating, I wanted to keep as many details as possible while still keeping the story going, featuring Harthalius, the wild magic sorcerer, as the (un)reliable narrator! I hope you'll find our adventures as entertaining as us playing it!

Available in English and Hungarian!

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20 page (+cover)
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